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Public invited to Thomas Edison’s Birthday Celebration at Edison and Ford Winter Estates

By Staff

Students perform for Thomas Edison's birthday in 1928 at the Pleasure Pier in Fort Myers. PHOTO PROVIDED

On Tuesday, Feb. 11, at 10 a.m., the public is invited to celebrate Thomas Edison’s 178th birthday at Edison and Ford Winter Estates. The annual tradition continues with students from the Edison Park Creative and Expressive Arts School singing, dancing and playing stringed instruments. Cake will be served for visitors attending the party, which is sponsored in part by the Edison Pageant of Light, the organization founded in 1938 to memorialize Thomas Edison and honor his achievements and contributions to Fort Myers.

Guests are invited to gather at the Banyan Café area (behind the Banyan tree), where Mike Flanders, the Edison and Ford Winter Estates President and CEO will give a brief welcome. Students will play stringed instruments and sing “Happy Birthday” to history character, Mr. Edison, and then birthday cake will be served. Following the children’s performance, curatorial staff member, Chet Wallace, will play the Calliaphone (organ) on the antique Calliope.

Historically, local school children performed for Edison on his birthday. Today, teachers and students from the Edison Park Creative and Expressive Arts School carry on the tradition with a dance program that features music and dance of the Edison Era as well as contemporary favorites. The birthday party is an opportunity for the school children to demonstrate their talents.

The party is a free public event with limited seating (does not include tours or admission to the museum, laboratory or riverside of the property). For more information, visit www.edisonford.org.

Edison and Ford Winter Estates is at 2350 McGregor Blvd., Fort Myers.