Injured osprey found on Pine Island recovering
An osprey, which was found injured on a boat ramp in Captain Cove, was taken to Peace River Wildlife Center Dec. 13.
Thomas Snodgrass, a member of the Pine Island Wildlife Sanctuary, said he received a phone call from Captain Cove resident Ronald Hayford about an injured osprey.
He said he was able to net the osprey and transport it to Peace River Wildlife Center in Punta Gorda.
Cara Brown, Peace River Wildlife Center rehabilitation specialist, said the osprey is doing OK. X-rays showed that he had a dislocated shoulder due to being shot.
The incident was reported to Florida Fish and Wildlife officers. Snodgrass said he received a phone call from Fish and Wildlife Dec. 17 stating that they were looking into the shooting.
Snodgrass said the osprey is protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
Brown said there was a pellet in the osprey’s neck that the vet was able to remove, which entered through his side. Now his wing is in a wrap to help stabilized it to help him recover.
At the end of the week, Dec. 21, Brown said they would check his wing again and see if he was improving.
Snodgrass if the osprey is able to be released, he would take him back to the same location he was rescued.
Anyone who finds an injured animal can call Matt Ristau at 239-699-4535, Sally Ristau at 239-810-3021 or Snodgrass at 239-810-1898.
All three individuals have wildlife and transport permits, which allows them to rescue wildlife and transport the injured to Peace River Wildlife Center.