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District: More mosquitoes likely due to weather

By Staff

The Lee County Mosquito Control District advises Lee County will probably experience large numbers of mosquitoes due to weather conditions.

Lee County has received over 2 inches of rainfall countywide with many areas receiving much more. Due to strong winds and rainfall, the Mosquito Control District has not been able to treat for mosquitoes since Saturday, June 23.

The combination of wind, rain and high tides has the potential to generate large numbers of adult mosquitoes throughout the county. The predicted weather will probably prevent further mosquito control spraying until today, June 27. This will allow mosquito larvae to develop and hatch into adults.

The Lee County Mosquito Control District will work to control the adult mosquitoes as soon as the weather permits. Please note this is a county-wide problem and it will take time to provide adulticide treatments for everyone.

For more information, contact Deputy Director, Education & Communication, Shelly Redovan at (239) 694-2174 or redovan@lcmcd.org.