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Jewish Food Fest set for Sunday

By Staff

They’ve been cooking for more than a month now and the dedicated group of women from the Temple Beth Shalom Sisterhood are well prepared for the popular Jewish Food Festival set for Sunday.

The event will run from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., with anticipated large attendance, which topped more than 500 last year.

“We’re looking for another record-setting crowd,” said Nancy Swanson, one of the key organizers for the event.

Those who come to the festival enjoy music, various vendors and, most of all, the great food.

Look for everything from corned beef, pastrami, brisket, kugel and chicken soup with matzoh balls to knishes, kasha varnishas, cabbage rolls and more.

“It’s food just like Bubbe used to make,” officials said.

There will also be a bake sale, and all food items are bought ala carte so you can make your own plate of favorites, or try new ones.

With the annual event getting bigger each year, the cooking team has put in those countless hours to make sure they do not run out, said Swanson.

“Last year the event was so popular, we have increased the quantities of our traditional Jewish dishes.

“We started cooking a month ahead,” she said. “There are some things that can be done ahead, but we are now in crunch time.”

She is one of the cooks, and noted some of the cooking team that hasn’t stopped.

“All the cooking is done by the women of the Sisterhood. Our president is Cape resident Suzie Hershfield. Karen Cutler is the chief cook for the group, along with our ‘sous chefs’ Sharon Rosenberg, Janice Albion and Nora Schor. We also have our ‘matza ball soup crew,’ a mother-daughter team, Ilana Farkas and Mara Exposito.”

Of the festival itself, Swanson said, “I think it’s just a lot of fun, the food is good and it’s like a giant picnic. Where else can you get authentic Jewish cooking here in the Cape?”

The festival also will feature a marketplace with jewelry, some information resources such as on assisted living. Tastefully Simple will be there, and Joey’s Greyhounds to talk about pet adoptions and more.

The fund-raising monies go to help the Hebrew School and The Temple, said Hershfield.

“There about 25 women in the Sisterhood,” she said. “The Sisterhood conducts a service along with the Brotherhood, at Passover and more. We are a very dedicated group, down to earth, a warm welcoming organization. We also have Friday Night Services with Rabbi Devora Buchen.”

Of the event, she said, “It was wonderful last year. It is a lot of hard work, but at the end it is very rewarding. We have a great family.”

Temple Beth Shalom is at 702 S.E. 24th Ave.

For Information, call 772-4555 or go to templebethshalomcc.org