FDOT work projects set
The Florida Department of Transportation has announced the following roadway projects for the week of June 19:
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS): Construction project — Crews continue to install ITS components (dynamic message signs, trailblazer signs, advance warning signs, and fiber optic cable) along roadways around the US 41 Caloosahatchee River and Edison Bridges. Crews will be installing underground conduit and boxes during daytime hours. Crews will be working in these areas:
— McGregor Boulevard (SR 867) and Sandra Drive intersection
— North Tamiami Trail (Business US 41) north of Powell Drive
— Hancock Bridge Parkway west of Beau Drive
— Pine Island Road (SR 78) north of Merchants Crossing
— Edison Avenue and Central Avenue
— US 41 and Carrington Drive
— US 41 and Touchstone Road
— Fowler Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (SR 82)
— Pondella Road and Pinecrest Street intersection
— Pondella Road and Betmar Boulevard
— Victoria Avenue and Brevard Avenue intersection
The contractor is Traffic Control Devices. Project completion is expected in fall this year.
I-75: From Luckett Road to SR 80 and SR 80 Interchange: Construction project — Work has begun to widen I-75 to six lanes between Luckett Road and SR 80 and to make improvements at the SR 80 interchange. During the week of June 19, the contractor will begin removing medians and Royal Palm trees on Palm Beach Boulevard between Lexington Avenue and the Orange River Bridge requiring an east and west bound left lane closure. Lane closures will occur nightly from 7:30 p.m. to 6 a.m., Monday, June 20 through Friday, June 24, weather permitting. Crews also continue to clear, survey and install erosion control throughout the project during the day and pond construction has started near Billy Creek Commerce Center and at Morse Shores. This project includes extending northbound and southbound interstate bridges over SR 80 to the north and widening interstate bridges at Luckett Road; adding two northbound and southbound outside lanes (“transition lanes”) between ramps at the Luckett Road and SR 80 interchanges. Work also will widen the northbound off-ramp and southbound on-ramp at the SR 80 interchange. Build six travel lanes from Lexington Avenue to Orange River Boulevard and add additional turn lanes to and from the interstate ramps, and construct a 10-foot shared use path eastbound and westbound along the roadway at the interchange for bicyclists and pedestrians. Motorists are advised to be aware of construction vehicles entering and leaving the project and exercise caution when driving through the construction zone. Cost of this project is $29.2 million. This project is estimated for completion in the fall of 2013. The contractor is Ajax Paving Industries.
I-75: From the Colonial Boulevard interchange (#136) to the Luckett Road interchange (#139): Construction project — Work is under way to six-lane the interstate. Crews are working on the bridges at the Colonial Boulevard and SR 82 interchanges Monday – Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting.
— Motorists should expect eastbound and westbound lane closures on SR 82 at the interchange between the overnight/nighttime hours of 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. for electrical work.
— Motorists should also expect eastbound and westbound lane closures on Colonial Boulevard at the interchange between the overnight/nighttime hours of 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. for bridge work.
— Crews continue work in the I-75 median between Colonial Boulevard and Luckett Road.
— The south segment of Champion Ring Road (between Forum Boulevard and Warrior Way) is closed through July for crews to install underground drainage.
— Motorists may use Warrior Way to access the northern segment of Champion Ring Road.
— Motorists should expect northbound and southbound lane closures on I-75 between Colonial Boulevard and Luckett Road during nighttime/overnight work from 8:30 p.m. to 5 a.m. (excluding Friday night/overnight and Saturday night/overnight).
Law enforcement will be on site to assist with traffic. Please drive with care. The contractor is APAC-Southeast, Inc.
BUS US 41: From Edison Bridge to SR 78: Maintenance permit project — Contractor crews are installing fiber optic cable on the east side of BUS US 41. No lane closures are expected, but motorist should be aware of construction traffic in the area.
US 41: Between Littleton Road and the Charlotte County Line: Maintenance permit project – Lee County DOT will be managing the installation of irrigation and landscaping along US 41, between Littleton Road and the Charlotte County Line. This project is scheduled to be completed by the end of August 2011. Motorists should expect possible lane closures and slow moving traffic.
US 41: From Corkscrew Road to San Carlos Boulevard: Construction project — Crews continue to widen the roadway and bridge from four to six lanes including paved shoulders and sidewalk, makes roadway drainage improvements, and installs landscaping. Utility relocations continue. Crews have positioned barricades along the median that are used to direct motorists into lanes during construction. Crews also are clearing the median area, placing materials there and paving. Motorists should expect trucks to be entering and exiting the roadway. Construction occurs during both daytime and nighttime hours, and one lane in each direction will remain open to traffic when lane closures are required. Motorists should remember crews are working in close proximity to traffic and should use caution traveling through the work zone.
— There will be intermittent lane closures on the side streets from Corkscrew Road to San Carlos Boulevard for drainage installation and material deliveries for both day and night operations. (Continued on next Page)
— There will be northbound and southbound lane closures on US 41 south of Broadway Avenue to Corkscrew Road from 7p.m. until 6 a.m. All traffic will be shifted to the east while crews install drainage pipes.
— The northbound and southbound inside lanes from Corkscrew Road to Broadway Avenue will be closed from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. while crews construct temporary base and temporary asphalt pavement.
— Broadway Avenue East is closed from US 41 to just west of Highlands Avenue for about six (6) more months while crews reconstruct the US 41/Broadway Avenue East intersection and install drainage. From US 41, motorists can access Broadway Avenue East using Lords Way Street (one block south of Broadway) or County Road (two blocks south of Broadway) east to Highlands Avenue. From Broadway Avenue East, motorists can access US 41 northbound by turning left (south) onto Highlands Avenue then right (west) onto Lords Way Street. From Broadway Avenue East, motorists can access US 41 southbound by turning left (south) onto Highlands Avenue then right (west) on County Road.
This project is estimated for completion in summer 2013. Russell Engineering, Inc. is the contractor.
SR867/ McGregor Blvd: From South side of Winkler to South end of Whiskey Creek Bridge: Maintenance permit project — FPL crews will be working on replacing power poles from 10:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., Thursday, June 23, to Friday, June 24, weather permitting. Motorists should expect a southbound, right lane closure and possible slow moving traffic
SR 865/Matanzas Pass Bridge: From Estero Boulevard to Main Street: Construction Project — This design/build project has begun to install safety railing, adds color coating to the bridge and resurfaces San Carlos Boulevard from Estero Boulevard to Main Street. Crews are currently pressure washing and applying the color coating to the bridge. This construction activity will occur during the day from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting.
Beginning Monday, June 20 through Wednesday, June 22, crews will reconstruct sidewalk, curb and handicap ramps at the intersection of San Carlos and 5th Street. Pedestrian access will be maintained. Motorist should use caution and expect 1-2 minute lane closures for construction equipment/ vehicles to cross the road.
Most construction activities will occur at night. Motorists should expect some work to close travel lanes from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. although two-way traffic still will be possible. Lane shifts also are expected during construction. Fishing piers under the bridge will remain open, although there may be some short-term closures when crews paint the bridge. Bicyclists and pedestrians will be able to use the roadway and bridge during the project. When the project is finished, the outside lane will be designated as a bicycle/trolley lane. Motorists should remember crews are working in close proximity to traffic and should use caution traveling through the work zone. The cost of the project is $400, 000. This project is estimated for completion in November 2011. The Design/build team is WilsonMiller (Stantec)/Wright Construction Group, Inc.
SR 82/Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard: From west of Columbus Boulevard to Hendry County Line: Construction project — Crews are working on final items. Motorists should be aware of possible intermittent lane closures. This project is estimated for completion by late summer 2011. The contractor is Better Roads, Inc.
SR78/Bayshore Road: From First Street to Williamsburg Drive: Maintenance permit project — LCEC crews will be working on power lines at night from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, weather permitting. Motorists should expect a night time westbound, right lane closure and possible slow moving traffic.
SR78/Bayshore Road: From First Street to 500 feet west of Seminole Gulf Railroad Crossing: Maintenance permit project — LCEC crews will be working on power lines across the Seminole Gulf Railroad crossing from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, June 21, weather permitting. Motorists should expect a westbound, right lane closure with possible slow moving traffic.