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Community pet pantry in need of cat food and supplies

By Staff

Food and supplies for cats are critically low again at Lee County Domestic Animal Services.
The agency needs both dry and canned varieties and cat litter to meet the needs of those assisted through the Community Pet Pantry Program.
Through the Pet Pantry LCDAS distributes pet food and supplies to owners that would need to surrender their pets due to their inability to provide food and care. LCDAS is currently providing food for more than 800 pets directly and also helping several neighborhoods and churches supply pet food for their members’ and residents’ pets. Dogs are also assisted through the Pet Pantry Program but donations of dog food come into the shelter regularly whereas cat food donations do not.
Anyone who can assist by donating cat food and supplies may bring them to the shelter at 5600 Banner Drive, Fort Myers, next to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office off Six Mile Cypress Pkwy.
Donations may be left at the door any time the shelter is not open.
For more information about Lee County Domestic Animal Services’ Pet Pantry Program contact the shelter at 239-533-7387 (LEE-PETS) or visit www.LeeLostPets.com.

Source: Lee County Domestic Animal Services