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County to run surface water management for Sox facility

By Staff

The Lee County Board of County Commissioners adopted a resolution at Tuesday’s meeting to operate and maintain the surface water management system for the Boston Red Sox stadium project.
By adopting the resolution, Lee County is permitted to serve as the operating entity for maintaining the system and environment components in perpetuity.
The system, along with the environmental components necessary for the project, will be placed on the 106 acres that will be owned by Lee County.
Lee County, Watermen-Pinnacle Inc. and the Red Sox Baseball Club entered into an agreement for the development of 126 acres, which will be located at 11581 Daniels Parkway in Fort Myers.
The 126 acres will be developed as a single-development project.
The project will consist of the Red Sox facility, commercial tracts and associated infrastructures, which will include environmental components.
“As a single-development project, infrastructure components will be shared between the facility and commercial tracts,” a prepared statement from Lee County stated.
Commercial developments on the remaining property will become a portion of the share for the surface water management system.
Commissioner Frank Mann said that although he does not agree with picking up the tab for something the county was not informed on, he agreed to pass the motion.