H1N1 vaccination schedule pushed back — again
Vaccines for the H1N1 virus to be given out at local high schools will be delayed an additional three days, district spokesperson Joe Donzelli said Wednesday.
The Lee County School District will host vaccine clinics this month, but a delay will not allow residents to get the shot until Thursday.
A copy of the district’s H1N1 Vaccination Campaign was handed out Tuesday, but had to be immediately revised once the Lee County Health Department announced it did not receive sufficient quantities to open the clinics Monday.
Donzelli said he does not know if the schedule will change again before the clinics officially open.
“It’s a moving target,” he told the school board Tuesday night.
Dr. Judith Hartner, director of the health department, said the clinics cannot open until more shipments of the vaccine are sent from the federal government.
Local high schools will act as clinic sites offering free vaccines until Nov. 21.
People who are at a high risk of developing H1N1 — children, pregnant women and people with chronic illnesses — will be given first priority.
A report from the Associated Press stated that 10 million to 20 million doses of the vaccine will be shipped nationwide over the next two months.
The following Cape Coral high schools will offer the vaccine: Island Coast High, Cape Coral High, Mariner High and North Fort Myers High. On average, the clinics are open from 4-9 p.m. with some weekend hours.
Because the schedule is subject to change, officials recommend contacting the school district or visiting: www.leeschools.net to receive the most recent clinic dates and times.
Volunteer are also needed for the clinics. Anyone who wants to help needs to be over the age of 18 and can volunteer for medical or non-medical positions.
To sign up as a volunteer, call the United Way’s 211 (433-3900) or visit: www.LeeEoc.com.