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Eco Park pavilion nearing completion

By Staff

The Veteran’s Midpoint Memorial Charitable Trust is close to finishing a pavilion at Eco Park.
The pavilion will provide shelter to those who come to pay their respects to the men and women, past and present, of the armed forces.
“We’re really building a nice pavilion,” said president Gary Bowler, who equated the structure to a living memorial. “When people want to congregate, whether it be veterans or patriotic groups, there will be a shelter there.”
The project, which is near and dear to Bowler’s heart, needs just a little more financial assistance to see itself all the way through.
More than $40,000 in materials has been donated by Ringland Construction and its subcontractors, who are also donating their time in constructing the 30-by-50 pavilion.
“We chose to do this as a community project to show our gratitude to the veterans who have willingly served our country,” said Russ Ringland in a prepared statement. “Providing a little shade and comfort allows veterans, friends and relatives to be able to spend more quality time at the memorials.”
The Veteran’s Trust needs about $2,000 to complete the pavilion’s floor, according to Bowler.
He pointed out that as a registered 501(c)3, all donations to the Veteran’s Memorial Trust are tax deductible. However, names of the donors will not be attached to the structure in any way.
Bowler wants the focus to remain on the veterans and their sacrifices across the generations.
“It’s a neutral, common place, and it doesn’t need to say anything,” he said. “This is for the veterans who have served and are serving.”
Bowler estimates that 65,000 veterans live in Lee County, while 20,000 of that figure reside in Cape Coral.
He understand that times are tough, but if every veterans could donate one dollar, he could “do some wonderful things.”
To contact Bowler and the Veterans Memorial Trust, call 549-2822.