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Tattoo business promotes motorcycle safety during birthday bash

By Staff

Gearhead Tattoo celebrated their third birthday on Saturday night, amid a wild combination of music, classic cars, motorcycles and of course, tattoos.
The Cape-based business had its celebration at Rack ’em Billiards and Club Square in downtown Cape Coral.
Owner operator Kelly Rogers said he wanted to start his business in the Cape because of the warm welcome and sense of community.
In that regard, the party was more a celebration of those who supported his continued success than the shop itself.
“Its more of a party for everyone who has has helped to make the shop a success,” Rogers said. “The whole point of the party is its all free – free music, free entry – I want to celebrate the Cape and all the support they’ve shown us.”
Rogers said the shop’s success has thrived despite the economic downturn.
“You wouldn’t think tattoos are very high up on people’s lists, but that seems to be the case,” he added. “I think it really helps to take people’s minds off things.”
Rogers also included the Southwest Chapter of ABATE, which stands for American Bikes Aiming Toward Education, in the celebration.
The group is a non-profit organization that lobbies and educates on road safety.
Chapter President Frank Kennedy said that 85 percent of motorcycle deaths are a result of automobile driver error.
Texting while driving has also passed DUIs as the number one killer of motorcyclists, according to Kennedy.
Kennedy also said the club has reached out to high schoolers, in hopes of educating them early in their driving experience.
“Motorcycle registration and ridership is up, but crash statistics are down, especially in Lee county,” Kennedy said. “Our programs are definitely working, people are becoming more aware.”
There are three ABATE chapters in Lee County. Along with the Southwest Chapter, there’s the Estero River and Caloosahatchee Chapters.