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Know where you vote

By Staff

The cities of Fort Myers and Cape Coral have Primary elections on Tuesday, Sept. 15.
There have been both permanent and temporary changes to precincts in both cities that voters need to be aware of.
Cape Coral Precincts permanently changed:
28 now Palmetto Pine Country Club
102 now Palmetto Pine Country Club
112 now Christian Life Fellowship
Precincts temporarily changed:
Cape Coral:
101 now Cape Coral Church of Christ
113 now Lighthouse Fellowship
119 now King’s Way Christian Center
Fort Myers
45 now African-Caribbean American Center
153 now Gateway Trinity Lutheran Church

To find your precinct go to www.leeelections.com. Click on WHERE DO I VOTE, enter your residential address or type in your precinct and then select the SEARCH NOW button. Voters can also call LEE-VOTE (533-8683).
The Lee County Elections Office’s intent is to provide quality election services to include transparent yet secure elections with timely and accurate results. The agency strives to maintain accurate voter registration statistics and make sure voters are informed through our voter outreach initiatives and to remain apprised of and ensure compliance to Florida election laws.

Source: Lee County Elections Office