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Local groups to host auction for region’s only diaper bank

By Staff

If you have had children, or have taken care of an elderly person or disabled individual, you know how expensive diapers can be.
Destiny Diaper Bank is the only agency in Southwest Florida who provides diapers to those in need.
A fund-raiser, sponsored by Woman’s Life of SWFL and The Bridge Networking Group, will be held from 11 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Thursday at Bianca’s Ristorante Italiano & Pizzeria to benefit the diaper bank.
Recently, 1,200 diapers were donated to those in the area.
“They were gone within one hour. That’s very common,” said the Rev. Rebecca G. Hines, who founded the organization.
“I look forward to all events. The need for diapers is tremendous,” she said. “We need at least 10,000 diapers a month because we distribute throughout Southwest Florida — both Lee and Collier county.”
She started the diaper bank about a year and a half ago.
“I started helping single moms as a project through the holidays, then I found there is a tremendous need for diapers,” Hines said.
A Cape Coral resident since 1978, Hines set up the charity there.
“For adults and special needs kids, it’s horrible,” she said of those who lack diapers. “It can be abuse and neglect because of the lack. Right now, I have no sizes three, four or five diapers on our shelves.”
The agency receives between 40 and 50 calls a day from people who need diapers.
The Destiny Diaper Bank is a nonprofit that provides infants, toddlers, disabled teens, special needs children and the elderly with diapers and incontinent supplies, which are often too expensive for individuals or families to purchase on their own.
DDB does not receive any federal funding.
“We totally believe in Destiny Diaper Bank and what they do. The government waiting list to get help with diapers can be up to five years,” said Margaret Wolter of Graphic Sign Solutions.
She is the North Fort Myers host for The Bridge Networking Group, which meets monthly at Bianca’s.
The group’s August meeting will be the fund-raiser.
“We have a lot of great prizes given by the community,” Wolter said.
There also will be a Chinese auction with tickets priced at $1.
“You can win with a dollar, that’s the fun of these Chinese auctions,” she said.
The cost is $18 per person for lunch, the Chinese raffle and a silent auction.
Giveaways and auction items include a Netbook computer, GPS, foursomes of golf, gift certificates to Indigo Hotel and Big M Casino, jewelry and more.
All proceeds raised from the Chinese raffle and silent auction will be matched up to $500 by Woman’s Life of SWFL.
Raffle and auction items, diapers and monetary donations are currently being accepted.
For those who want to donate, the dropoff points in North Fort Myers are Brightway Insurance, Body Works Gym on Hancock Bridge Parkway, Graphic Sign Solutions, Quality Self Storage, VIP Center and Bianca’s.
Cape dropoff sites include all Regions Bank branches. More are on the Web site at: www.destinydiaperbank.com.
The Destiny Diaper Bank is located at 1510 S.E. 46th Lane.
To make a donation to the bank, call 549-2130 or e-mail destinydiaperlady@yahoo.com.
For more information on the fund-raiser, contact event chair Michele Andre at 225-5019 or Michele@TheBridgeNetworking.com.
The Bridge Networking Group is accepting new members.