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Residents who may have missing packages urged to call UPS

By Staff

Detectives with the Property Unit of the Cape Coral Police Department are continuing their investigation surrounding a United Parcel Service driver who has been accused of stealing packages.
Investigators are requesting that any individuals that may have had property stolen contact UPS directly.
Detectives will be working with UPS Loss Prevention to determine the disposition of property recovered.
The telephone number to United Parcel Service is 1-800-742-5877.
Driver Craig Podleski, 31, of Cape Coral, was charged Aug. 11 with grand theft after UPS loss control reported they suspected Podleski was stealing items he was to deliver to various customers in Lee County.
Additional charges were filed Thursday: Dealing in Stolen Property Organized: 1st Degree Felony; Larceny From Shipment/Cargo in Stream of Commerce $50,000 or More: 1st Degree Felony; and Larceny $100,000 or More: 1st Degree Felony.
Based on a sampling of confirmed stolen property, the total value of the items recovered will exceed $100,000, officials have said, adding it will take further investigation to determine the final value of all of the items that are stolen.

Source: Cape Coral Police Dapartment