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Back-to-school immunizations: Get them now, get them early, officials say

By Staff

School starts soon and to attend, all students must be current on their immunizations. The requirements have changed so parents need to check and verify their child is up-to-date on immunizations.
Any student who will be new to the Lee County school system must verify they have received all the required immunizations. For students entering kindergarten and first grade a second vaccine for chicken pox (varicella) will now be required. Also, for students entering seventh grade they now need a tetanus booster (T-dap). Parents should also make sure their college-bound teenagers are up-to-date with required and recommended vaccines. If your child needs updated immunizations, get them soon since school starts Aug, 24.
Students who do not have the required immunizations will be sent home from public schools on the first day. In addition, they will not be able to ride the bus or participate in sports, band or other extracurricular activities until the school has the DH 680 form showing that the shots were received.
These vaccinations can be obtained at the Lee County Health Department free of charge and are being given at two locations in Lee County.

Source: Lee County Health Department