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Police: Former corrections officer assaults a neighbor with handgun

By Staff

A retired New York corrections officer assaulted his neighbor with a handgun Wednesday evening, according to Cape Coral police.
Alfred Watson Jr., 62, of Northeast 24th Place, was charged Wednesday with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and carrying a concealed firearm.
He was held in the Lee County Jail on a combined $26,500 bond Thursday evening.
According to police statements, the victim arrived home at about 8:55 p.m. to find Watson in his driveway, pacing back and forth and accusing the victim of having relations with his wife.
Watson opened the cylinder of a silver handgun, playing with the ammunition, and pointed the gun’s laser at the ground, the victim reportedly said.
In fear Watson may shoot him, the victim went inside his house and called police, reports state.
Watson at first told officers that he carried the gun for protection and was waiting for his wife to arrive home from church, but later said that the victim ” is (having relations with) my wife, and why isn’t she home yet,” police reported.
Watson’s silver revolver and five .38-caliber hollow point bullets were placed into police evidence.
Watson’s wife reportedly told officers that her husband had been “accusing her of sleeping with every man she is in contact with,” and she fears he may have a mental illness and be a danger to her.
Police arrested Watson and booked him into the Lee County Jail in apparent good health.