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Warrant issued for Cape home invasion suspect

By Staff

Police have issued a warrant for the arrest of Oscar Perez, Jr., 27, wanted in the brutal attack of a Cape Coral man, who was tortured for hours.
This afternoon, a warrant was secured for the arrest of Perez, officials said. He is being sought on charges of attempted second degree murder, two counts of kidnapping, home invasion robbery and grand theft of a motor vehicle. According to detectives, the victim was doing tile work last Thursday, June 25, at the home of Luz Huyo, Perez’s mother, to help pay off a debt owed to Huyo. Huyo told the victim’s wife that her son found out about the debt and was angry.
Around noon that day, Perez and three unknown males jumped the victim and bound him. The four men severely beat the victim, knocking out his front teeth and causing other injuries. During the prolonged beating, the victim said Huyo was present and watched parts of the attack.
At some point, Huyo left her residence and drove to the victim’s home., officials said. Huyo reportedly told the victim’s wife that her husband needed to talk to her, and she drove the wife back to her Palaco Grande residence. Once she entered Huyo’s home, the suspects forced the woman to watch while her husband was again beaten. The wife said her husband begged the suspects to stop – and eventually, he lost consciousness. The wife said the suspects warned her against calling police, threatening to kill her children if she did.
Believing that the victim might be dying, Huyo drove him to a local hospital. The wife was forced to remain behind with Perez and the three other males. After returning from the hospital, Huyo accompanied Perez and the three men to the victim’s residence where minor children were present, offiicals said. The suspects again
threatened the family if they did not cooperate. Huyo, Perez and the three unknown males reportedly removed a large quantity of property from the victim’s home, along with their 2004 Volkswagen.
Last Friday, officers secured a search warrant, and recovered many of the items stolen during the robbery. They also took Huyo into custody and charged her with kidnapping, aggravated battery, home invasion robbery, larceny and vehicle theft. Her son, however, is still at large.
In addition to locating Perez, Crime Stoppers also asks for help identifying the three other males involved in the attack.
Anyone with any information on this crime is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-780-TIPS (8477). All callers will remain anonymous and will be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000. Detectives encourage anyone with even the slightest pieces of information to share what they know.

Source: Crimestoppers