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Annual youth fishing derby set

By Staff

School is out and summer is in full swing for the youth in Cape Coral and across Southwest Florida.
That means the city’s summer camps and programs are also kicking into gear, giving children a chance to stay busy and have fun during their break from school.
Saturday sees the return of the wildly popular “Kids All American Fishing Derby” at the Cape Coral Yacht Club. The event consistently packs in the youths year after year for a morning of angling and education.
“We have 100-plus kids signed up already,” recreation specialist Mark Hunter said Thursday. “But it’s hard to tell kids no (if we do get full), we might just kind of keep going.”
He said they have 140 goodie bags available for the children, which sort of measures the number of participants. Should they get more than 140, Hunter is ready to accommodate the added number so no youth goes without a bag.
“We get a handful of kids that show up the morning of … we won’t turn them away,” he said.
Trophies will be awarded to children who catch the first fish, biggest fish and smallest fish. Door prizes including fishing poles and tackle, Sun Splash passes and pool passes will also be handed out.
The $8 fee includes lunch from Sal’s Pizza, a goodie bag, tips from local fishing guides and bait. All anglers must bring their own rod and tackle.
For parents who want to eat at the event, the cost is $2.50.
For more information, call the Cape Coral Yacht Club at 574-0806.