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Lee County Alliance of the Arts welcomes three new board members

By Staff

The Lee County Alliance of the Art’s board of directors has recently welcomed three new members: Carolyn Gora, Jessica Paletsky and Chris Spiro.
The board works with the Alliance executive director, and staff members to ensure that the organization is fulfilling its mission to “facilitate and nurture the creation, development, promotion and education of arts and culture in Lee County”.
An art educator since 1977, Carolyn Gora has coordinated the Elementary and Middle School Art Show at the Alliance since its inception 17 years ago.
“The Alliance has been a special part of my family since the original location in the Schultz house,” Gora said. “My children went to the Alliance camp and were counselors; my husband designed the building and was on the board for years, both my husband and I have had artwork in the Alliance shows.”
Carolyn Gora is thrilled to be back on the board and continuing the Gora support of the Alliance, officials said.
Growing up in Fort Myers, Jessica Paletsky viewed the Alliance as the place for arts in Lee County. Later joining the board of directors, Paletsky’s goal is to “increase charitable giving to the Alliance and the awareness of the multiple programs available to sponsor.” She returned to Fort Myers area after earning her B.A. in Classical Studies from Emory University and graduating with her M.B.A. from FGCU. Paletsky works as a financial advisor with the Berlick-Sherwin Group at Morgan Stanley.
Joining the board with a creative business and advertising background, Chirs Spiro believes, “It is so important to encourage and support creativity in the community, artists enrich our lives and enhance the surrounding environment whether through dancing, painting sculpting, theater or the spoken word.” Spiro is a strong supporter of the Alliance and is pleased to give his time and energy to support arts and culture.
For a complete list of the Lee County Alliance of the Art’s Board of Directors visit www.artinlee.org , click on About the Alliance.

The Alliance of the Arts proudly supports the artists and arts organizations in our area as the state designated Local Arts Agency for Lee County. The Alliance of the Arts galleries are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays, located at 10091 McGregor Boulevard just south of Colonial Boulevard. Visit www.artinlee.org for more details of all the excitement our community has to offer.