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Lee County to host national conference for substitute teachers

By Staff

Lee County will be the site f the substitute teachers conference this year.
The Lee County Association of Substitute Teachers, the Substitute Alliance of Florida, the National Association of Substitute Teachers and the College of Education at Florida Gulf Coast University will host the National Substitute Teachers Alliance 2009 Summer Conference at
Florida Gulf Coast University from Friday, July 24 to Sunday, July 26.
This annual event provides information, a sharing of best practices and valuable workshops for substitute teachers across the United States. This is the first time this national conference is being held in Florida.
The event is open to substitute teachers, anyone who works with substitute teachers or provides professional services to substitute teachers. Workshop presenters are coming from as far away as the University of Nevada, the University of Maryland and the University of Western Ontario. Other presenters are from FGCU and the University of Central Florida.
FGCU is at 10501 FGCU Blvd, S., Fort Myers.
Anyone interested in attending this conference should contact either Marvin Goetz, president, Lee County Association of Substitute Teachers at 239-542-1746 or Carol Scott, the conference secretary, at 239-542-7424 for registration information.

Source: School District of Lee County