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Traffic enforcement areas for Tuesday announced

By Staff

On Tuesday, May 26, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Gunnery Road, Lehigh Acres
2. Dean Street, Bonita Springs
3. Metro Parkway, Fort Myers
Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. Preliminary results from their cumulative activity Sunday is as follows:
Citations Issued: 64
Written Warnings Issued: 153
To get in touch with a traffic deputy call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office Web site at www.sheriffleefl.org

Note: The “Click It or Ticket” education and enforcement wave is under way. Be sure to fasten your seat belts and make it a life-long, life-saving habit.