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Wednesday traffic enforcement areas announced

By Staff

On Wednesday, May 13, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office Traffic Unit will target at least one of the following three locations for enforcement:
1. Alabama Road, Lehigh Acres
2. State Road 80, Fort Myers
3. Coconut Road & U.S. 41, Estero

Locations are selected based upon high incidents of crashes, traffic surveys and citizen complaints. Preliminary results from efforts Monday are as follows:
Citations Issued: 62
Written Warnings Issued: 110
Residents who observe problem areas, aggressive or impaired drivers can call (239) 477-1000. If you see a reckless or drunk driver while you are traveling in your motor vehicle in Lee County, dial 9-1-1.
This traffic enforcement advisory is available each day on the Sheriff’s Office Web site at www.sheriffleefl.org

Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Office