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Artists sought for T-shirt contest

By Staff

Once again an area artist can earn bragging rights and a cash prize as the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce is seeking new designs for the official MangoMania adult and child T-shirts.
Gearing up for this year’s MangoMania, members of the chamber board are asking artists to submit designs. The winning artwork will be used to decorate custom T-shirts for the event and for other promotional material.
“The designs should be fun and, of course, colorful with a mango theme,” chamber director Lisa Benton said.
All designs are to be submitted in full color on 8 1/2-by-11 artist paper stock and presented to the chamber no later than Monday.
“We highly recommend that the artists look at some of the winning designs from the past to get their inspirations,” said Benton. “Once the deadline has arrived, the chamber board of directors will vote on the winner, so it’s important to come up with something unique and entertaining that will catch the eye of the judges and be reflective of MangoMania.”
Some of the past designs depicted colorful mango characters dressed up in pirate garb or playing musical instruments. Last year’s design by seasonal island resident Bill Duncan was a mango sporting 2008 glasses and two dancing cocktail glasses.
The chamber also is hosting a T-shirt design contest for children. All youngsters 12 and under are eligible to submit a design and the same criteria applies as in the adult competition. The winning design will adorn the child T-shirts, and the winning artist will receive a $50 cash award.
Applications for the children’s T-shirt design contest can be picked up at the Greater Pine Island Chamber of Commerce Welcome Center on Pine Island Road. The center is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
The submission deadline for the children’s contest also is Monday.
MangoMania is scheduled to take place July 11-12 at the German American Social Club on Pine Island Road. Benton, also the event organizer, said the festival attracts thousands from across South Florida.
“Last year over 11,000 people attended MangoMania in spite of the thunderstorm on Sunday,” she said. “Over 6,000 attended on Saturday alone.
“We had over 125 vendors and all were very pleased with the event,” Benton said. “The majority of the vendors return each year to participate and they come from all over Florida. Many come from the east coast as well as from Tampa and Orlando.”
The winner of the adult T-shirt art contest will receive $300 and the winner will be announced at the 2009 MangoMania kickoff party to be held in June.
For more information, call Benton at 283-4842.