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Scared safe: State Farm provides visual incentive for a safe prom night

By Staff

“Fast, furious – finished” were the words on a sign in front of a destroyed car that was displayed at North Fort Myers High School for several weeks before the recent prom.
For the last two years, Ray Hair, owner and agent with a North Fort Myers State Farm insurance agency, has arranged for someone to bring the car from a local salvage yard for the dramatic display.
“There’s always a story behind it,” he said.
Hair said he hopes to increase awareness of driving dangers during school special events that involve student driving.
“I’ve done it at both prom and homecoming,” he said.
This year, instead of a car that was involved in a drinking and driving incident, it was a car involved in a high speed accident.
“This was to promote awareness and the dangers of speeding and driving,” he said.
“It really did get a lot attention,” said Darlene Blalock, secretary to the principal. “Someone who was speeding lost control of the car. The kids were using it to make video clips for the school news on the dangers.”
Many students were discussing the issue.
Hair knows from dealing with auto insurance how serious speeding can be.
Hair shared statistics on teen car accidents.
“Teen-agers are about 10 percent of the U.S. population, but account for 12 percent of all fatal crashes,” he said. “The risk of crashes is much higher for first year teen-age drivers, according to car-accidents.com.”
“Last year I was made even more aware of the dangers of drinking and driving in our community,” said Hair. He was referring to the tragic death of a local soldier on Hancock Bridge Parkway. “He had made it through Iraq and was killed near home.”
On an up note, Principal Kimberly Lunger said this year’s prom was an outstanding event.
“Prom was a stellar success. Our students, parents and staff did a great job with fund-raising, planning and decorating,” she said. “Our students were beautiful and proud. It really was a fantastic evening.”
Ray Hair State Farm agency is located at 90 Pine Island Rd. For insurance information, call Hair at 995-0202.