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Dealers rev up for Camaro launch

By Staff

By DREW WINCHESTER, dwinchester@breezenewspapers.com
Wednesday might very well turn out to be something of a watershed moment for car lovers, especially those who love the Camaro.
Chevrolet’s 2010 Camaro, a retooling of the long-time favorite of auto buffs, will be on display at two area car dealerships.
Roger Dean Chevrolet on Pine Island Road, and Victory Lane Chevrolet in Fort Myers both have Camaro unveiling celebrations planned.
Dave Large, general manager of Roger Dean, said the dealership will have food, entertainment, and the new Camaro on display on Wednesday, May 6, from 5 – 8 p.m.
“The response to the new car has been unbelievable,” Large said. “People are really looking for it. They’re excited and waiting to see it.”
Formerly known as Bill Branch, Victory Lane Chevrolet plans to unveil the car on the same day, beginning at noon.
Tom Nelson from Victory Lane echoed Large’s opinion of the anticipation leading up to the car’s release. He feels the design, which is somewhat modeled after the classic ’69 Camaro, has really helped to stir up curiosity.
“They sort of used the ’69 Camaro as a model, but the designers didn’t want it to be too retro,” Nelson said. “You can see the hint of ’69 in it, but I think they wanted it to be something more.”
Nelson is not worried the recession will have any negative effects on sales. He feels the public’s anticipation is more than enough to overcome any sales worries.
“We’re trying to do everything positive we can,” Nelson said of the economy. “We’re not going to ignore the negative, but we’re not going to focus on it … people are really dying to see this car.”
Victory Lane’s 2010 Camaro party begins at noon, and will feature the Fort Myers High School marching band and Hooter’s Girls.
For more information, contact Roger Dean Chevy at 574-3326, or Victory Lane Chevy at 936-8561.