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Fourth annual ‘Cape Cops 5K’ Run/Walk set for Saturday, May 9

By Staff

The fourth annual “Cape Cops 5K” Run/Walk will be Saturday, May 9, at the Cape Coral Yacht Club. The race officially kicks off National Police Week, which is May 10 – 16. Race day registration begins at 6:30 a.m., and the race will start at 7:30 a.m. Walkers will begin immediately after the start of the runners.
Police Chief Rob Petrovich will lead the race, and several Cape police officers will participate. The race is open to the public, and the Cape Coral Police Department is inviting the community to come and join them as they begin National Police Week.
National Police Week was established in 1962 by President John Kennedy to recognize the service and sacrifice of law enforcement officers. The week honors those officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the protection of others.
Runners and walkers can pre-register by picking up applications from the lobby of Police Department at 815 Nicholas Parkway. Pre-registration fees are $17 ($15 for students under 18 years of age). Applications also are available at various local businesses, and participants can register online at www.active.com Just enter “Cape Cops” in the search box to find the online registration page. Registration also will be accepted on race day; however, the fee will be $20. Each runner and walker will receive a race day shirt.