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Cape Coral police to host “Take 25” event at Sun Splash Waterpark

By Staff

The Cape Coral Police Department is joining with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children by hosting a “Take 25” event on “Family Night” at Sun Splash Family Waterpark on Saturday, May 9. The waterpark will be open from 5 – 8 p.m. on “Family Night.”
School resource officers and other members of the Cape Coral Police Department will man an information booth at Sun Splash and will provide child fingerprinting ID kits and child safety information.
Take 25 was started to commemorate National Missing Children’s Day, which began in 1983 when President Ronald Reagan declared May 25 as the official day for the nation to remember missing children and renew efforts to reunite families. Take 25 is part of the National Child Safety Campaign, and the program’s goal is heighten awareness about children’s safety issues. The campaign encourages parents, guardians and other trusted adult role models to spend time talking to kids and teaching them ways to be safer.
The national Web site for the Take 25 program is: www.take25.org