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Cape police investigating possible self-inflicted gunshot wound as cause of vehicle accident

By Staff

A man died tonight after he apparently shot himself in the head and lost control of his vehicle, which drove into a canal off Del Prado Boulevard.
Cape police officers were attempting to initiate a traffic stop on a vehicle they say was driving erratically on Del Prado Boulevard when the vehicle came to a stop. The driver, a white male, appeared to shoot himself in the head, causing the vehicle to accelerate and travel across a vacant area and into a canal, officials said.
The incident occurred in the 2700 block of Del Prado Boulevard North shortly after 8:30 p.m.
Emergency workers pulled the driver from the vehicle. Officials say he was breathing and taken to Lee Memorial as a trauma alert but did not survive.
Cape Coral Police are continuing the investigation.
No other information has been released but will be forthcoming when available, officials said.

Source: Cape Coral Police Department