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Collier Parks & Recreation transports loggerhead turtle to Sea World for recovery

By Staff

Collier County Parks and Recreation Sea Turtle Program staff are helping to transport a loggerhead turtle to Sea World for recovery.
Staff responded on Thursday, April 16, after receiving a report there was a stranded turtle on the beach in front of the Naples Beach Hotel. The turtle is in good shape and healthy with no apparent injuries, however it did appear underweight by approximately 50 pounds.
It is estimated the stranded loggerhead weighs approximately 200 pounds and should instead be a healthier 250 pounds. These sea turtles can weigh as much as 800 pounds.
After inspecting the turtle, Parks and Recreation immediately notified the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission as part of its usual procedures. Staff then mobilized the sea turtle to prepare to take her to a rehabilitation center.
FWC was able to secure a spot for the sea turtle at Orlando’s Sea World Theme Park. Sea World has a wildlife rehabilitation center and will help the loggerhead gain the weight she needs in order to return to the water.
“Two staff members are driving the sea turtle up to Orlando so that she may receive the best possible care and hopefully she will return to the water soon, where she belongs,” said Parks and Recreation Regional Manager Murdo Smith in a prepared statement.
Loggerhead turtles are classified as an endangered species and are protected by federal law. Parks and Recreation thanks the Good Samaritans for reporting the stranded sea turtle.
For more information about sea turtles, regulations and how you can help, visit www.collierparks.com.

Source: Collier County