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Lady Red Knights set food drive

By Staff

As they head into the LCAC Softball Championship Game Thursday, the Lady Red Knights have partnered with the Rev. Israel Suarez’s and Nations’ Association Charities to collect canned food for his upcoming May 16 Nations Food and Family Outreach Day.
The Lady Red Knights are asking every person who comes to their LCAC Championship game against Riverdale H.S. at Bobbie Dewey Softball Field at North Ft. Myers H.S. at 7 p.m. to bring a least one canned food item. In addition, an anonymous donor has already pledged to donate $1 to the Nation’s Association for every can that is collected and donated on game night.
North Head Coach Jeff Miner says that this is an exciting opportunity for us to “step up to the plate” for
our hurting community and make an impact.
For more than 30 years, the Rev. Suarez and the Nations Association has been a local not for profit organization
dedicated to helping fellow Lee County residents and their families during some of their most difficult times.
For more information on the Nation’s Association you can visit their website at: www.nationsassociation.org