"Based on ongoing press speculation, I know that you are giving serious consideration to the question of whether to seek re-election, or whether to instead seek election to the United States Senate."/>
"Based on ongoing press speculation, I know that you are giving serious consideration to the question of whether to seek re-election, or whether to instead seek election to the United States Senate."/> Mack: No senate bid in 2010 | The definitive guide to travel and tourism for Southwest Florida including golf, fishing, dining, attractions, shopping, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, Sanibel Island, Boca Grande, Punta Gorda, Pine Island, Cape Coral, Fort Myers Beach, Port Charlotte, Capti - FLGuide
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Mack: No senate bid in 2010

By Staff

Congressman Connie Mack laid rumors to rest Thursday: He will not run for the U.S. Senate in 2010.
The Florida Republican, in a letter to Gov. Charlie Crist, said he intends to seek re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.
“Dear Charlie,” Mack wrote.
“Based on ongoing press speculation, I know that you are giving serious consideration to the question of whether to seek re-election, or whether to instead seek election to the United States Senate.
“As you contemplate this decision, I want to let you know that I have decided not seek election to the U.S. Senate in 2010, and that I will instead seek re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives.”
Mack goes on to say he will support the governor in whatever decision he might make concerning his own political path.

Source: Office of Congressman Connie Mack