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Sheriff unveils initial reorganization

By Staff

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office has announced changes to the agency command structure. Patrol Bureau Commander, Major Rob Homan, a veteran of the agency since June of 1991, has been appointed to Colonel in charge of Law Enforcement.
During his tenure with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Homan has served in numerous capacities. He began his career as a Deputy Sheriff, and moved through the ranks, serving as a Patrol Sergeant, Major Crimes Agent, Major Crimes Unit supervisor, Commander of Human Resources and Risk Management, Commander of Accreditation & Staff Inspections, Site Commander at the Downtown Corrections Bureau, and Administrative Bureau Commander.
Colonel Homan says he is truly honored and excited about the opportunity to serve in the capacity of Colonel in charge of Law Enforcement for the Sheriff’s Office.
“While I bring a wide variety of experience to the position, I realize that to be successful as a manager and as a law enforcement agency, a free and open free exchange of ideas must exist, and a team concept must be cultivated,” he said in a prepared statement.
Homan began his law enforcement career in 1970 with the Norton Shores, Michigan police department. He relocated to South Florida where he joined the Miami Metro-Dade Police Department. This was followed by a position as a Special Agent with the FBI.
Homan has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, and an Associates Degree in Business. He is certified as both a Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) assessor, and Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Officer Accreditation (CFA) assessor.
Delta (South) District Commander James “Gil” Allen has served with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office since June of 1990. He replaces Colonel Homan as Patrol Bureau Major. During his time with the agency, Major Allen has served as a Sergeant, Lieutenant, and most recently, Captain. He’s served in a wide range of capacities, including the Patrol Bureau, Planning and Research, Administration Bureau, Watch Commander, and District Commander. Major Allen also commanded the Major Crimes Unit during some of its highest profile investigations, including the “Lords of Chaos” case.
Assistant Commander of Internal Affairs Kathryn Rairden has spent the majority of her career with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office assigned to Delta District. She is excited to be returning South, where she will be taking over duties as District Commander. Since her tenure with the agency began in 1993, Captain Rairden’s duties have ranged from; Road Patrol Sergeant, Criminal Investigations Detective, Narcotics Detective, Sex Crimes Detective, Criminal Investigations Sergeant, Road Patrol Lieutenant, and most recently, Lieutenant with the Internal Affairs Division.
Rairden holds an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice, along with several hundred hours of additional advance training specific to the fields she has been assigned.
Sheriff Mike Scott is confident in each individual’s ability to lead the agency into the future:
“I am very proud of these members and their reputations and work ethic precedes them. Colonel Homan, Major Allen, and Captain Rairden are an exciting part of my re-organization and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office has never been more energized and focus,” he said in a prepared statement.
With the planned retirement of Chief Deputy Charles Ferrante, the position of Chief Deputy will not be filled, officials said.
Additional changes are forthcoming as the sheriff continues to reorganize the agency command structure.

Source: Lee County Sheriff’s Office