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‘Gathering of the Giants’ takes wing in Cape Coral

By Staff

The Cape Coral R/Seahawks “Gathering of the Giants” — a celebration of replica and model radio controlled airplanes — takes to the skies this weekend for two fun filled days of family entertainment.
“Giants” is the R/Seahawks biggest event of the year. The other two: “Jets over the Cape,” and “Warbirds over Paradise,” don’t draw the same kind of crowds that Giants usually does.
Organizer Ted Stickler said he expects the event to draw from the entire five-county area, even pulling model airplane enthusiasts from as far away as Georgia.
The event’s “big” draw is the larger radio controlled airplanes, which feature wingspans of 80 inches or larger.
Another of the big draws for the two- day event is the candy drop for kids, which allows children to scramble wildly for the confectionery treats as they fall from the sky.
Stickler said at least 100 kids line up for the big drop. But no fear, the kids who aren’t able to snag some sweet treats get candy anyway.
“We have children come out and line up on the field and when the candy drops they take off, then our volunteers hand out candy to kids who don’t get any,” Stickler said. “It’s been pretty popular over the years … its not the air show without the candy drop.”
It’s all part of the family oriented entertainment, which is spread out over both days, and featuring vendors, food, drinks, and prizes for registered pilots.
Stickler said he had been very busy over the last few days leading up to the event, registering pilots and setting up barricades.
“After I take a shower I hope I can relax, but I’ll be back out at the field before 8 a.m.,” he said. “Registration opens at 8 a.m., and flying commences at about 9:15.”
For those looking for the beloved candy drop, the big candy splash happens around noon, when the pilots take a break.
Giants comes at the end of Celebrate Cape Coral month, which gives the R/Seahawks a chance to celebrate their city and their club.
Although the event is free, there is a $5 parking donation, which is donated to local Boy Scout troops. They’ll be on hand helping with the parking.
Gathering of the Giants is at Seahawk Park 1030 NW 28th St, Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
For more information contact Ted Stickler at 282-6391.