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Public invited to participate in annual Canal Cleanup Day event

By Staff

The city of Cape Coral is hosting the second annual Canal Cleanup Day on Sunday, March 15, to help clean up the canals and waterways in Cape Coral. The event begins at 8 a.m. at the Yacht Club pavilion. Last year, about 90 volunteers participated and removed 2,500 pounds of debris from the city’s canals and waterfronts.
With more than 400 miles of canals and waterways, a community effort is necessary to keep these waterways clean. Boaters and non-boaters can join City staff in this effort to remove litter from our waterways. Participating boaters will be able to use the boat ramp for free if they check in before launching. Kayaks will be permitted to launch from the beach, and volunteers on foot will be sent to waterfront sites. Trash bags and gloves will be provided at the Yacht Club.
Several local businesses are donating door prizes and food. A morning snack is available, and a full lunch will be served at noon. T-shirts will be provided to all volunteers.
The canal cleanup is organized by Cape Coral’s Environmental Resources Division and Keep Lee County Beautiful. Additional support is provided by Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program, Waste Management, MWH, Paesano’s Foods, Saturn, First Round Draft, Dat’s a Sub, Diamond Billiards, Everest Marina, Capt. Rob’s Bait and Tackle, Hogbody’s, Leapin’ Lizard, FOS Furniture, ScreenPrint Plus, Marine Concepts, The Daily Grind, Dex and A Pizza Grill.
Food and beverages are provided by Geo’s Italian Restaurant, Papa John’s Pizza, The Daily Grind, I Like It Like That Bakery, New York Stuff-a-Bagel and Chocolate Forest.
Additional door prizes and coupons are being provided by Bubba’s Roadhouse and Saloon, Ada’s Fitness Center, Foster’s Grille, Anthony’s on the Blvd., SeaTow, Boater’s Paradise, Burris Propeller Service, Ledo Pizza, Biker Barn and Hustler’s.
For more information, or to register for the cleanup, please call Kim Cressman at 574-0785. RSVPs are requested. For upcoming cleanup events, please visit the Keep Lee County Beautiful Web site: www.klcb.org

Source: City of Cape Coral