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Rain, cold cut short car and boat show

By Staff

Saturday was the perfect day in Cape Coral for a car and boat show — balmy weather and a cloudless sky allowing the sun to glisten off the curves of every car and off the boats that floated in The Marina at Cape Harbour.
Sunday, however, brought light rains and a stiff, cold wind, dampening the enthusiasm of some entrants, most of whom left by 3 p.m., three hours before the event was scheduled to end.
Organizers of the second annual “Water and Wheels” event, though, said the event was a success, with hundreds in attendance.
“It was a very good turnout,” said Glenda Swager, event coordinator.
As Sunday arrived, inclement weather began to repel show entrants almost immediately.
“People arrived at about 7:30 (a.m.) and set up across from Rumrunners. It was a quick rain, not very hard, but we took (the cars) all into the garage,” Swager said.
Some entrants took the bad weather in stride.
“That happens sometimes,” said Gavin Riches, a representative of the Fort Myers-based Auto Quest Exotic Cars, and a 10-year car show veteran.
“We had a great day (Saturday). It was just over the weather, it was really bad,” Riches said, explaining why people left early.
Riches added that the event was a good marketing tool in a down economy.
“It gives us a chance to be in front of people you wouldn’t get to see otherwise. It’s good grass roots marketing,” he said.
A total of 80 cars were entered into the show, and first through fifth prizes will be awarded in the coming weeks.
The first prize winner will receive a four-day, three-night stay at the Marina South condominiums. Second and third prize winners will get a three-day, four-night boat dockage pass at the marina, while fourth and fifth prize winners will receive gift certificates to the adjacent Rumrunners restaurant ranging from $100 to $25.
Swager said the voting will begin this week, with prizes mailed next week.