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Cape man facing drug possession, child neglect charges

By Staff

On Thursday, Feb. 26, the Cape Coral Police Department’s Vice, Investigations and Narcotics Unit have arrested one suspect and confiscated two guns, marijuana and more than $21,000 from an apartment in the Southeast Cape Coral.
According to a report issued by the CCPD, Jeremy Rockow, 31, was arrested and charged with marijuana possession with intent to sell (within 1,000 feet of a child care center), narcotic equipment possession and child neglect.
At 5:40 p.m., Cape police officers reportedly responded to 1025 S.E. 12th Street with an agent from the Department of Family and Children. The officers and DCF agent were at the apartment to follow-up on an alleged child neglect concern.
The report indicates that upon entering the residence, officers found in plain view an AK-47 rifle with a fully loaded magazine, two scales and a marijuana pipe. Officers also reported finding plastic baggies of marijuana, a black lockbox and backpack containing cash and a .45-caliber handgun with two magazines.
A Cape VIN detective arrived at the residence to interview Rockow, who allegedly admitted to selling marijuana. Officers said Rockow had $202 in his wallet and $20,840 in the lockbox and backpack. He was placed under arrest for possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
Police seized 24.8 grams of marijuana in three small baggies and 1.27 pounds of marijuana in three larger baggies. The AK-47 and .45-caliber handgun also were placed into evidence along with the cash. Rockow’s apartment was within 1,000 feet of the Wellington Academy.
Police said Rockow had two young children living in the home, a 3-year-old and 5-year-old.