Oasis High School Charter School groundbreaking ceremony set for Tuesday
“The construction of the Charter High School is a direct result of the efforts of our governing board, mayor and council, city manager and city staff,” Bush said in a prepared statement. “Parents who saw our system as the best educational opportunity for their children also worked diligently to make the K-12 system a reality, and a success. A dedicated K-12 teaching and support staff, and motivated students will ensure that our high school will have a long-lasting impact on Cape Coral. The challenging Cambridge Curriculum, along with university partnerships for dual enrollment and a unique business program will prepare our students for the world of tomorrow.”
The school will be located at 3415 Oasis Boulevard.
Construction of the Oasis Charter High is set for completion in July 2009, in time for the 2009-10 school year which begins in August, according to McGarvey.
“We are very excited to partner with the city of Cape Coral and the Charter School Authority in being able to provide this educational facility for the existing freshman and sophomore students, as well as all future classes,” he said in a prepared statement.
McGarvey Development Company, which includes McGarvey Construction Company of SW Florida, Inc. and J. McGarvey Construction Company, Inc. have a dedicated commitment to the City of Cape and its future, with projects located at Mid Cape Corporate Center on Pine Island Road and East Cape Commerce Center on Pondella Road.