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Motorcycle, school bus, collide

By Staff

A man on a motorcycle collided with the side of a school bus at around 3:40 p.m. today. Emergency medical personnel from the Lehigh Acres Fire and Rescue Department were on the scene in minutes after being called by passers-by.

The bus was driving south on Lee Boulevard turning into Taylor Extension, when the motorcycle was also turning into the same street from Lee Boulevard traveling in the opposite direction, said witnesses at the scene.

No children were on the bus at the time of the mishap.

Sean Hauser of Lehigh said he saw the man fall from the bike after it hit the bus. He said he stopped immediately and pulled the Harley Davison Sportster off of him, but did not touch him.

“I told him to lie still and the EMTs would be here, and he did,” he said.

It was Bus 371 with Bus Route 2704 posted next to the bus door.

The driver of the bus, who was not identified immediately, was not injured, but appeared upset. The crash is being investigated by the Sheriff’s Office.

The man was taken to the hospital. No report of his injures were available immediately