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Mariner Middle School student honored as ‘Vmath Maniac’

By Staff

Sean Russette, an eighth-grade student at Mariner Middle School in Cape Coral was named the Vmath Maniac of the week for Feb. 2, 2009. Vmath live (www.vmathlive.com) is an online math resource that creates a stimulating graphic program for all students.
Students practice their math skills, prepare for high-stakes tests, and play in real-time competitions of speed and skill against students all over the world. For Sean to receive this recognition, he spent many hours at home playing against other highly motivated students. His teacher, Nancy Kelly and her students, frequently visit the computer lab to experience the action of Vmath live.
Currently Mariner Middle School is ranked 18th in the United States for number of math points earned.

Source: School District of Lee County