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Fed, state housing officials to talk at Aubuchon seminar

By Staff

State Rep. Gary Aubuchon, R-Cape Coral, is holding a foreclosure prevention seminar at the Cape Coral City Council Chambers today from 9 a.m.-noon.
In contrast to the housing workshop held at City Hall on Jan. 10 where those facing foreclosure received one-on-one assistance from lenders or financial help organizations, this seminar will consist of presentations from federal and state housing authorities.
Those attending the seminar will be able to ask questions, time permitting, at the end of the workshop.
Representatives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation, the Lee County Department of Community Development and the Cape Coral Department of Community Development will make presentations.
The Jan. 10 workshop attracted more than 300 people.
Aubuchon, who is president of the Cape Coral-based home building firm Aubuchon Homes, developed the idea of the seminar after seeing the effects of the fallout from the housing collapse, according to his aides.
“This is something he’s been working on for a while now,” said Aubuchon’s district aide Matt Visaggio. “As a homebuilder, he recognizes the problem we’re facing.”
Aubuchon was unavailable for comment Thursday.
For additional information, call Visaggio at 344-4900.