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Reward money increased in search for missing boy

By Staff

As the search for 6-year-old Adji Desir continues, the community is pulling its resources together to help find the little boy who’s been missing from Immokalee since Saturday evening.
The Collier County Housing Authority, in connection with Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers, is offering an additional $2,500 reward for information leading to the whereabouts of Adji. This reward money is in addition to the Crime Stoppers reward money of up to $1,000.
Adji has been missing from the Farm Workers Village in Immokalee since 5:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 10. At this point, it is believed that Adji wandered away on his own, however Sheriff’s Office investigators are exploring other possibilities and all options. A wide-scale search is still under way, involving members from several South Florida law enforcement agencies, as well as many civilian and emergency service volunteers from throughout our community.
Adji was last seen at the Farm Workers Village in Immokalee wearing a blue shirt with thin yellow stripes, blue shorts with flamingos down the sides and black and grey sneakers.
The Collier County Housing Authority administers the Farm Workers Village, and its staff continues to hope for Adji’s safe return.
Anyone who has seen Adji is asked to call the Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-780-TIPS (8477). All callers will remain anonymous and will be eligible for a cash reward of up to $3,500. Tips can also be made online at www.swflcrimestoppers.org. The public is asked to remember that all callers are completely anonymous – no one will ever ask for a caller’s name or identification – just information on where Adji has been seen.