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Downtown Cape ‘going purple’ to support annual Relay for Life

By Staff

Businesses in Cape Coral’s downtown district will hang purple ribbons in their windows and offices until the Relay for Life at Ida S. Baker High School on March 20-21. These businesses will go “purple” by purchasing ribbons, and the proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.
Relay for Life representatives sold purple ribbons for the first time five years ago, but they discontinued the fund-raising initiative until this year.
“This is the first time it is this big,” said Linda Biondi from Raso Realty in Cape Coral. “Everyone has jumped on the purple wagon.”
For a $10 donation, Cape residents and businesses can purchase a 10-inch purple ribbon. They can also hang purple lights, banners and other purple-colored items to support the cause.
Tuesday afternoon Biondi said she sold 10 ribbons and had 100 more to sell. The ribbons will be available from now until March 20.
“We will purple up everything until March,” said Biondi. “They are big for your business.”
The ribbons were purchased by the Community Redevelopment Agency from Addalia Florist in Cape Coral, which designed the ribbons. Residents can purchase them from Biondi by calling 542-2254.
This year’s Relay for Life theme is “Marga-Relay-Ville,” and will have contests, interactive games, live music and food. Anyone can form a team of between two and 10 people who take turns participating in the relay.
Other contests, including tent and spirit stick decoration competitions, will entertain those participants taking a break from the relay action.
The next Cape Coral Relay for Life 2009 Team Captain Meeting will be held Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the Hampton Inn, 619 S.E. 47th Terrace. Members of the community can sign up their teams at the meeting.
For additional information, visit: www.relayforlife.org.