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Trash pickup schedule to change

By Staff

To simplify and enhance waste management in the city of Cape Coral, home trash, recycling and yard waste pickup schedules will be consolidated to the same days and areas beginning Jan. 12.
Currently, Waste Management collects on three different schedules: recycling picking up daily; and trash and yard waste several times weekly. The new schedule unifies pickup schedules by day, Monday through Friday, and areas divided by major roads.
“The (current) schedule is very confusing,” said Todd Peres, district manager for Waste Management Inc. of Florida. “We thought it was a nice move to bring convenience to the homeowner, to enhance the aesthetics of the city and just bring the best quality to the city of Cape Coral in general.”
The scheduling will make pickup more efficient for both home owners and Waste Management, Peres said.
“We hope to gain some efficiencies,” he said. “Is there a cost savings to it? We just don’t realize that yet.”
Additionally, the boundaries of trash pickup areas will change dramatically from the current schedule Peres said. The new schedule is divided by major roadways in the Cape, he said.
Peres said a growth in the number of Cape Coral homes over recent years has made the current trash pickup system less efficient than the new one.
In Jan. 2005, Waste Management serviced 53,000 Cape Coral homes, but currently there are 69,025 home owners putting their trash and recyclables curbside, he said.
“Just in those three years we’ve seen an increase of 15,483 homes. Since Waste Management has been in Cape Coral since 1998, we really haven’t rerouted the city at all and now is just a perfect time to make some route changes,” Peres said. “The service aspect isn’t changing. We’re taking our assets and consolidating them to gain some efficiencies.”
Peres suggests home owners place garbage and recycling on the left of the driveway facing the house, while placing yard waste on the right as part of the new schedule. They should not block access to their mailbox.
Waste Management Inc. of Florida offers the following guidelines for trash pickup:
* All waste items should be placed within 3 feet of the curb by 6 a.m. on your designated collection day.

* Garbage should be contained in 35-gallon or smaller containers with a lid and handle on each side, should not protrude from containers or bags and should not exceed 50 pounds. Bulk items such as sofas, chairs and mattresses will be picked up with garbage.

* Recyclables should be kept in a bin or paper bag. Rinse bottles, jars and cans. Paper goods should be placed in a paper bag atop the recycling bin. Break down cardboard boxes no larger than 2 feet long and 4 feet wide, bundled or tied no more than 6 inches high, and do not place any recyclables in plastic bags.

* Yard waste should be in a 35-gallon or smaller container with handles, or securely tied in bundles no longer than 4 feet and weigh no more than 50 pounds. Palm fronds may be placed unbundled at the curb if they are stacked neatly with the base facing the roadway, and not mixed with other yard waste.

* Waste Management does not pick up hazardous waste. For hazardous waste collection, contact Lee County at 533-8000 or visit www.lee-county.com/solidwaste.

* Electronics and “white goods” such as refrigerators and air conditioners will be picked up on your designated day of service, provided you contact the Waste Management Customer Service Center at 334-4115 48 hours prior to your service day.

Waste Management will not pick up on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Service days during holiday weeks will be delayed by one day on or after the holiday.