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Police: Man robs store of prescriptions

By Staff

A Cape Coral Walgreens was apparently robbed by an armed suspect late Sunday evening, according to a police report.

A pharmacist at Walgreens, located at 905 Cape Coral Parkway E., told police an unknown man came into the store and demanded drugs at approximately 10 p.m.

The man reportedly told the pharmacist, “I don’t want to scare you, but I have a gun.” The man never displayed a gun, but implied he had possession of one, the pharmacist said.

The man took two bottles of Oxycodone, which the pharmacist had retrieved from a company safe, reports state.

The bottles contained 200 pills, valued at $250.

The suspect is described as a white male in his late 30s,160 to 170 pounds, 5 feet 9 inches tall with a goatee. He was wearing brown pants, a baggy white shirt with lettering, black shoes and a blue baseball cap with white lettering during the alleged robbery.

Walgreens supplied DVD surveillance footage of the incident to detectives with the Cape Coral Police Department.

Anyone with information about the suspect or incident can call the Cape Coral Police Department at 574-3223 or Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers at 800-780-TIPS (8477).