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Do The Right Thing monthly winners announced

By Staff

The Cape Coral Police Department hosted its Do The Right Thing Student Recognition Awards ceremony for the month of December on Wednesday at City Hall. The following students were recognized for their positive attitudes towards school and family, their healthy decisions regarding drugs and violence, as well as their good citizenship.

Overall winner
— Brittany Kawa, seventh grade, Gulf Middle School, daughter of Michael and Janeen Kawa
Brittany has found a cause that is important to her and uses her creativity to help that cause. Brittany learned to make jewelry not too long ago, and has become entrepreneurial in selling her creations in order to donate the proceeds to breast cancer research. To date, Brittany has been able to donate $1,800 to sponsor the Froggies, an eight-person team that walks 60 miles in a breast cancer awareness walk in Tampa, Fla. Brittany’s mom fought and won her own battle against breast cancer and walks in the event. Since the event rules state that participants must be at least 16, Brittany has found other ways to take part. Not only does she sell and donate the proceeds from her jewelry, but she works at the event from 4-7 p.m. in support of her mom and the cause.

— Zach Nelson, sixth grade, Challenger Middle School, son of Jennifer and John Nelson
Zach was nominated by the teachers at Skyline Elementary school. For several years, Zach has been volunteering his time at Skyline. Currently, he goes to the elementary school before his own school begins to help with the pre-kindergarten class. He is someone the younger students can look up to because of his positive attitude and motivation. When his day at middle school is complete, Zach returns to help with the after-school program. He helps supervise younger students, acts as a mentor, helps with homework and plays games outside with them. He has also spent countless hours with children with special needs. He is a friend and a mentor.

— Jonas Jackson, fifth grade, Christ Lutheran School, son of DeAnna Rivera and Ty Jackson
In November, on one of the coldest days we have seen in many months, Jonas rode to school with his mom. As they passed a nearby bus stop, Jonas noticed a neighborhood boy standing in wait of the bus in shorts with no jacket. Jonas asked his mom to stop the car, and he got out and gave his own jacket to the boy. When he arrived at school, several people commented to Jonas that he had forgotten his jacket, but Jonas never told anyone why he did not have a jacket that day. Jonas showed kindness, generosity and humility. He never stopped to think about his actions, he just did the right thing.

— Keenan Henry, seventh grade, Trafalgar Middle School, son of Michael and Debra Henry
Keenan is being awarded for keeping his school safe. Not too long ago, another student at Keenan’s school handed him a clear plastic baggie containing a white powdery substance. He told Keenan not to say anything, but Keenan is a smart young man and knew it looked like cocaine so he took the bag directly to his assistant principal. Keenan’s actions not only helped to keep his classmates safe, but also led to a narcotics investigation.

— Maddey Stadler, fourth grade, home-schooled, daughter of Jayson and Kelley Stadler
Maddie found a unique way to help her cause. A short time before Halloween, Maddie left a flier at each house on her trick-or-treat route explaining to them that when she was out trick-or-treating, she would be asking for canned goods instead of candy. The plan was a great success and Maddie was thrilled by her neighbors’ generosity as she was greeted at each door with canned goods. Shortly after, Maddie was able to donate 111 pounds of food to the Cape Coral Caring Center. As an added bonus, Maddie not only collected canned goods for those in need, but she still received some candy for herself.

— Bryan Brueggeman, son of Karen Brueggeman
— Brittany Brueggeman, daughter of Karen Brueggeman
— Briana Paddock-Brueggeman, daughter of Karen Brueggeman and Tom Paddock
These three siblings found out last year that one of their schoolmates went without a Thanksgiving dinner. The idea that everyone was not able to enjoy the holiday as they did troubled the children and they did not want it to happen again. This year they started a collection process which they called “Kids Helping Kids” in order to get canned goods and gift cards to provide Thanksgiving dinner to those who would otherwise go without. Their initial goal was to feed 25 families so they stood outside of Wal-mart explaining their project, put collection boxes in the police and fire departments, and went to the downtown Farmer’s Market to ask for donations. Once they reached their goal, they decided that they did not want to turn any families away, so they continued collecting until they were able to provide turkey, yams, dressing, pies and more to 44 families.

— Ashley Frazzetto, seventh grade, Diplomat Middle School, daughter of Rosario and Jeanette Frazzetto
— Elizabeth Harris, eighth grade, Diplomat Middle School, daughter of Kevin and Colleen Harris
Our school resource officers try to instill in students the need for them to step in and help each other when they see someone who is being bullied or if they see a conflict arising as long as they can safely do so. Apparently Ashley and Elizabeth had been listening to what the SRO and the school administration had been teaching. Recently as they were changing classes, the two girls happened upon a conflict which was beginning to escalate. As one student reared back his fist to punch another student, Elizabeth and Ashley jumped in and stopped the potential fight before it had begun, telling both boys to go to class and reporting the incident to the administration.