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Project Blue Light Wreath Lighting Thursday

By Staff

The inaugural Project Blue Light Memorial Wreath Lighting Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 4, at 5:45 p.m. at Centennial Park in Fort Myers. The event features holiday wreaths dedicated to each of the officers, deputies and troopers who have given their lives while actively serving their agencies in Lee County.
Project Blue Light is planned as an annual awareness program organized by the Lee County Badge of Honor, a charity organization founded in 2008 in support of law enforcement families in need. Holiday wreaths and window lights, each featuring the traditional police blue light, have been sold to raise funds for family programs. The Wreath Lighting event, which is the culmination of the Project Blue Light program calendar, is the first inter-agency, community-based memorial program of its kind in all of Southwest Floridaand has yielded much interest in the community and among local businesses. Sen. Burt Saunders will be the keynote speaker. The ceremony will include the presentation of Colors, a pipe and drum corps, and a memorial gun salute.
Bahama Breeze, located on U.S. 41 at Gladiolus, is the program’s Platinum Sponsor while Vic’s Painting of Cape Coral and the City of Cape Coral Police Department are Event Co-Sponsors for the Wreath Lighting Ceremony.
“We are thrilled by the support for the event from the local community and businesses,” says Lee County Badge of Honor member Matt Monahan. “It’s a heartening show of unity among law enforcement and the people of Lee County.”
At the heart of Project Blue Light is a Wreath Lighting Ceremony at Centennial Park at 5:45 p.m. Eighteen presentation wreaths, each bearing a single blue light, will be presented as the names of fallen officers from the Fort Myers Police Department, Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Port Authority Police, and Florida Highway Patrol are read aloud.
Program information for the event will be available on the Lee County Badge of Honor Web site at www.LeeCountyBadgeofHonor.org. Also online are order forms and photos of the fund-raising products that are still available for sale.
Learn more about Lee County Badge of Honor and Project Blue Light at www.LeeCountyBadgeofHonor.org or call for their free brochure (239) 677-4343.

Source: Lee County Badge of Honor