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Cape Water Action to hold planning meeting tonight

By Staff

Cape Water Action, a newly formed organization of citizens concerned with Cape Coral’s water quality, will hold a planning meeting tonight, Nov. 18, at the Cape Coral Library at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in helping this new citizens group concerned with Cape Coral’s canal water quality is welcome to attend this meeting.

CWA will host an informative public meeting on the new Lee County fertilizer ordinance, Saturday, Nov. 22, at the Cape Coral Libary from 1-3 p.m. The guest speaker is Karen Bickford, Lee County Natural Resource Department, who will explain the ordinance in detail and answer questions from the audience.

CWA’s mission is: “Working together to preserve protect and enhance Cape Coral’s extensive canal, river and estuary system, and the unique water-based quality of life.”

The group provides quarterly educational meetings. Membership is open to all residents of Cape Coral and is free. Anyone interested in membership can call Mary Ann Parsons, 239-340-9879, or send an e-mail to mapar2008@gmail.com.

More information on CWA can be found at www.capewater.org.

The Cape Coral Library is located 921 S.W. 39th Terrace.