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Traffic shift due to Cape road project

By Staff

SPECIAL TO THE BREEZE, news@breezenewspapers.com

As part of the phase III widening project on Santa Barbara Boulevard between Pine Island Road and Gleason Parkway, motorists should be on alert for a shift in traffic to the west side of Santa Barbara from Southeast 12th Street to Southeast 24th Street.

Today at approximately 8 p.m., travel lanes on the east side of the road will be closed to motorists, reducing northbound and southbound traffic on Santa Barbara to one lane between Southeast 12th Street and Southeast 24th Street.

In addition, the temporary closure of the side street at Southeast 12th Terrace, Southeast 16th Terrace and Southeast 18th will continue as crews construct the east side of Santa Barbara. Motorists are advised that left turns from side streets onto Santa Barbara are not permitted during this phase of construction.

Flagmen, advance warning signs, electronic message boards and barricades will be used to assist motorists traveling through the area. Construction on this section of roadway is scheduled Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-5 p.m., for the next several months.

While traveling through the work zone, motorists are urged to use caution, obey the posted speed limit of 35 mph and seek alternative routes whenever possible. Drivers should be advised that unforeseen circumstances such as weather may affect the schedule.

For more information about the project or construction updates, contact Maricelle Venegas, public information specialist, at 707-9050 or visit the Web at: www.capecoraltransportation.com.