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Monday is last day to register to vote for general election; 14,500 new applicants since Aug. 26 primary

By Staff

Lee County residents have until 5 p.m. Monday to register to vote or change their party affiliation for the Nov. 4 general election.

To register, you must be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and a Lee County resident.

According to the Lee County Supervisor of Elections Office, there have been about 14,500 new registrations in the county since the Aug. 26 primary election. There were 295,780 registered voters in Lee County as of the primary, and as of Wednesday there are 310,247 active voters. Active voters are generally those who have cast a ballot in at least one election in the past four years.

In addition to the U.S. presidential race and the District 14 Florida Congressional race, Cape Coral residents will also help decide several local contests on election day. The District 1, District 3 and District 5 Lee County Commission seats are up for grabs, as well as the sheriff’s position and two seats each for the District 1, District 3 and District 5 Lee Memorial Health Board. Six Florida constitutional amendments and two county charter amendments will also be on the ballot.

To view a sample ballot, visit the Supervisor of Elections’ Web site, www.leeelections.com.

Registration forms can be picked up at various locations around the county, including public libraries, the chamber of commerce, the Department of Motor Vehicles, AAA Motor Club and Fort Myers City Hall. They can also be picked up at the Cape Coral branch office of the Supervisor of Elections, located at 1031 S.E. Ninth Place.

Residents can also download a registration form from the Supervisor of Elections’ Web site.

Once the form is filled out, it can be mailed to P.O. Box 2545, Fort Myers, FL 33902, or dropped off at any Supervisor of Elections branch office.

For more information, call 533-8683.