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Presidential races get local — offices open in Lee County

By Staff

National politics are being brought home as the top two presidential contenders have opened campaign offices in Lee County.

Obama/Biden backers have opened a campaign office for the Democratic slate in Fort Myers at 6350 Presidential Court, Suite B. The office, according to a phone message left at the office number, 466-9900, is 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily.

McCain/Palin backers in the Cape now have an opportunity to better support their candidates with the help of a newly opened campaign office for the Republican presidential ticket.

The office, set up at 2002 Del Prado Boulevard S., unit 103, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the opening of the office Friday.

“It’s great that they’re recognizing Cape Coral as a major force in the election,” said Cape Coral Republican Club boardmember Jim Price.

“I think you’re going to see a tremendous surge,” said Price’s wife and fellow boardmember Nancy Price. “People are seeing the truth. This is tough times, we need a leader; Obama is not a leader.”

The two long-time Republicans said they planned to volunteer with the campaign office.

Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottkamp attended the event, taking place in the ribbon-cutting ceremony and speaking to fellow Republicans.

“What’s the center of the universe for this election? Florida,” Kottkamp said. “Florida will decide this election. In the last cycle we broke all records for turnout, but we’re going to have to do it again.”

Kottkamp called Cape Coral “ground zero for winning Florida and winning the country” for the Republican party.

“It (the campaign office) establishes a strong presence in a very pivotal community in this election.”

Among those in attendance was state Rep. Gary Aubuchon, Mayor Eric Feichthaler, councilmembers Dolores Bertolini, Pete Brandt and Bill Deile and members of the various Cape Coral Republican clubs.

A McCain/Palin campaign office previously was opened in Fort Myers.

“So many people wanted to help in Cape Coral that we were able to open the office,” said office manager Brenda Skupny, who is the president of the Lee Republican Women’s Club.

The office will help promote the Republican 2008 presidential ticket any way supporters can over the next few months: offering stickers and promotional materials, fielding phone calls, walking door-to-door, answering questions and even giving residents rides to polling sites.

Already, the support has been overwhelming, Skupny said.

“It was beyond expectation,” she said.

The office is open Monday thru Saturday from 10 to 4 p.m.

For more information call 322-9217 or 322-9219.