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Cape Coral Caring Center given $6,500 donation; Proceeds stem from Labor Day event

By Staff

The Cape Coral Community Foundation has donated a check for $6,500 to the Cape Coral Caring Center, the result of a fund-raising event at Bonefish Grill during Labor Day weekend.

According to the center’s executive director, Fred Cull, the money will go toward feeding 150 families, with about four or five days of food for each family.

It has been a record year for the center, which has helped more than 10,000 hungry people. The high number of people looking for help, combined with the current economic crunch, has kept the food pantry’s shelves almost bare.

“We have given out 60 tons of food this year,” Cull said. “Last year, it was 53 tons.”

While not completely solving the pantry’s food shortage problems, the money definitely helps to feed some families in need.

Cape Coral Community Foundation Executive Director Beth Sanger said that with the economy’s current status, good news is needed now more than ever.

“I want the community to see donations are being made,” Sanger said. “I want the community to know there are resources, and people are trying. We’re trying to keep the money flowing for the agencies and the people who need it.”

Cull said that though the food on the pantry’s shelves has dwindled, they have not had to turn anybody away who has come to the center looking for help.

He added that the community — from churches to private citizens — has also been fundamental in helping to provide for the needy, with everything from donations of food to money.

“Our resources come from the churches, clubs, organizations, restaurants, and we get food from the Harry Chapin Food Bank at a very gracious per pound rate,” Cull said. “We haven’t had to turn people away.”

The foundation is kicking off another food drive, in conjunction with Century 21, Community Bank of Cape Coral, First Community Bank and Sanibel-Captiva Community Bank.

People looking to donate can drop off non-perishable goods at any of those locations, or if they want to make a monetary donation, they can make checks payable to the foundation.

“We are excited to help out these businesses and get the food and money raised to the local food pantries for our residents,” Sanger said. “Our mission is to enhance the quality of life for the Cape Coral residents.”

For more information, contact the Cape Coral Community Foundation at 542-5594, or contact the Cape Coral Caring Center at 945-1927.